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120 gallon aquarium
Mandan, ND

Watching: 9
Views: 342
120 gallon aquarium

- Black stand and canopy

- Hydor and Sicce powerheads

- 2x Current USA smart LED lights w/ remotes

- Overflow box with plumbing

- 29 gallon sump

- In-sump protein skimmer

- 2x in-sump heaters

- Return pump

- Backup return pump NIB

- Switched power strip

- Automatic feeder

- Dual sensor auto top off system

- Argonite and Florida shell substrate

- 50-100lbs live rock

Current inhabitants are:

- Thousands $$ worth of coral/nems(Rhodactis, Green/Purple/Mix Mushrooms, Brown Button Palythoa, 2 large Frogspawn, 6 very happy Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemones)

- Numerous inverts

- Large Serpent Star

- Long-fin Clownfish

- Yellowtail Damsels

- Pajama Cardinals

- Skunk cleaner shrimp

Will also include chemicals, test kits, food, media, tools, etc. I also have a spare 55 gallon that you can take if you want to build a bigger sump. I absolutely love the hobby and would not be selling if I didn't have entirely too many projects going on.

$800 obo for EVERYTHING

*size with stand is 61.5 wide, 59.5 tall, and 22 deep*


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Placeholder profile imageJake Schafer
*May Accept Trades