Heifers are consigned to the Spickler Ranch North Production Sale on Monday, December 9th.
Enge Farm & Ranch
80 AI
40 Bull Bred
Heifers were ultra-sounded on October 6th, where they received Cattlemaster along with Pro-Zap pour on. Weights averaged 1000 pounds on 10-6. Mostly solid black with a few baldies and brockle faced. These heifers were hand picked and sourced off of reputable ranches including Crider Ranch, Hermanson Ranch, Overmiller Ranch, and Hilltop Angus Farm. These are all One-iron branded on the left hip. Developed on a heifer grower/development ration through winter and turned out to graze pasture 3 weeks prior to breeding. Free choice Purina 7.5 Availa-4 Mineral and free choice salt has been kept in front of these heifers at all times. Heifers are currently fall grazing canola and wheat stubble as well as pasture that was not grazed this summer. Fogged for flies during the summer and occasionally cake fed. Handled with ATV's and UTV's.