2022 Yamaha 90 HP 4-Stroke with less than 100 hours! Brand new prop!
2000 18 SeaArk. This is a SOLID Aluminum, Side Console boat! It is a tank, the Aluminum is in excellent condition with no dents. I tore it apart last fall and installed new flotation, new Marine Plywood and Vinyl! You couldnt buy a hull today with this thick of Aluminum!
2000 Shorelandr Roller Trailer with bearing buddies and 3 NEW TIRES!
Includes 2 new bilge pumps and a good 12 volt cranking battery. A Boat anchor, 3 seats with pedestals and 1 extra pedestal for a butt seat!
The boat is old but its solid! It was a fun project and I wanted to use it for fishing and for river bow hunting, but have moved on from that!
Motor $8,500
Boat $2,500
Trailer $1,500
Total $12,500!!!
Message me on Bisman if you want to see it or have questions.